Digital school development

eEducation quality matrix

We are delighted that you have discovered the eEducation tools for digital school development including our quality matrix! We would like to explain to you why we have developed this product, what benefits it offers you as a school principal, teacher or person interested in digital school development and how you can use it optimally. Join us on this journey!

Objective of the eEducation quality matrix

Schools are changing - and have been doing so to an increasing extent in recent years. Some of these changes arise from educational policy requirements, some result from social, economic or technological developments, and quite a few are triggered by innovative ideas from individual teachers or teaching teams. Schools can passively accept these change processes, but they can also actively shape them. In the second case, we speak of “school development”.

One important aspect that influences our modern lives from the local to the global, from the individual to society, from the professional to the private sphere, is increasing digitalization. Of course, this does not stop at schools. Our product is designed to support schools in actively shaping change processes instead of passively experiencing them.

The main aim of the eEducation quality matrix is to support schools in their digital school development.

eEducation quality matrix

Frameworks and areas of impact

Digital school development