Why badges?

The badges system enables schools to show their development in using digital media. Schools start out with a member-status. This is done by registering on www.eeducation.at

Schools start documenting their digital steps online in a self-reflective way and earn points. Depending on the school size the eventually reach the expert-status if a certain number of points has been earned.

Once schools have reached the expert-status they are able to access additional budgets for further teacher qualification and school projects using digital media.

Once a expert-status is reached during the year it is also provided for the coming school year. In case a school stops documenting, the school falls back to member-status.

After filling in the webforms in the appropriate category a mail is sent to the regional coordinator of the state and school level. The activities are checked by them and the points are granted or denied. This is a quality assurance system.

Qualification: Badges for all school types

Using digital media during classroom workPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
1Using a learning management system schoolwide102 points per class10
2Using ePortfolio software or software relevant to classes and lessons throughout the school year205 points per class20
3Using a digi.komp-example1 or eTapas2 or OER material4Per example40
4Performing the digi.checks4, 83 or 12 with more than 50% of all students of a class5Per class
5Providing a certificate based ICT examination (e.g. ECDL, MOS, MTA, SAP, Cisco etc.)5Per examination30
6Performing a Safer-Internet4 activity5Per usage
7School participation of a Safer-Internet day with schoolwide activities10
Development and attempting of e-learning scenariosPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
8Development of an eTapa or digi.komp-example20Per development
9Using an eTapa or digi.komp-example giving feedback5Per usage
Using innovative learning technologyPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
10Using innovative learning technology (game based learning, gamification, robotics, coding, kodu, Minecraft, genius hour, steam, augmented/virtual reality, 3D print)1040
Using innovative and inclusive teaching methodsPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
11Using an innovative teaching method1040
12Using gender-sensitive didactics/reflexive co-education to reach both boys and girls working with digital and informatical competences5Per usage
Cooperation involving several schoolsPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
13Activity done with a network school (points counting for both schools)10Per activity
14Participating in training courses of a network school5Per course
15Organizing and holding a course with a network school10Per course
16Recruiting a new school for the network10Per recruitment
School developmentPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
17Establishing an autonomous schoolwide core theme for informatics up to 2 hours per week6
18Establishing an autonomous schoolwide core theme for informatics up to 3-4 hours per week10
19Establishing an autonomous schoolwide core theme for informatics up to 5-6 hours per week14
20Establishing an autonomous schoolwide core theme for informatics with more than 6 hours per week18
21Providing a noncommittal training for a subject related to digitalization5Per subject
22Guidance of school development processes through the eEducation team in school10
23Development of an eeducation strategy for the school20
24Embedment of eEducation in school profile15
25Digital based teaching methodology as topic for school quality development processes15
26Ausrichten einer pädagogischen Konferenz oder SCHILF zu eLearning10Per conference
27Providing further educational training using digital media for all teachers of school10Per training
28Participation in national/international events or conferences10Per conference/event
29Informational event for parents10Per event
30Activity to promote gender justice and gender awareness related to gain of digital/informatical competences10Per event or activity
Per event or activityPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
31Activity to get new teachers digitally fit10
32Participation in (online-)courses lasting several days10Per course and teacher
33Participation in shorter (online-)courses3Per course and teacher
34Performing the digital competence-check digi.checkP by teachers2Per teacher10
35Performing the digital competence-check digi.check4, 8 or 12 by teacher2Per teacher20       
36Further qualification/performing assessments with a certificate for teacher5Per course and teacher40
Spreading the idea of using digital media in education in generalPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
37Reporting of digitally based teaching methodology in social media and on the internet3Per report
38Members of a school give a lecture at national or international conferences about digitally based teaching methodology10
39Organizing and holding of a regional/national/international networking meeting in the field of digitally based teaching methodology10
40Participating at national/international competitions in the field of ICT/digitally based teaching methodology10Per class and competition
41Participating at state-level network meetings with principals and school coordinators10Per person and meeting     
Special BadgesPointsFrequencycap
(max. points)
42Public conference to communicate on achievements for eEducationIn accordance with state coordinator
43Open Badge (activity for digitally based teaching methodology not included in list above which can be defined by individual schoolIn accordance with state coordinator

1 Digi.komp-examples: these are didactical courses/examples in different digital competence fields. Digi.komp-examples are designed by an expert-team and should be used by teachers to strengthen digital competences of their students. If all digi.komp-examples have been made, students will be able to complete the digi.check successfully. Digi.komp-examples can be taken out of the competence matrix found at eeducation.at – Digitale Grundbildung. Example: https://community.eeducation.at/course/view.php?id=371

2 eTapas are similar to digi.komp-examples but are made by teachers for teachers. They can be specific to different subjects and must be licenced using the Creative Commons licenses.

3 Digi.check is the assessing system for digital competences. The assessment can be made completely anonymously and can be accessed here: https://community.eeducation.at/digicheck/

4 Saferinternet.at is an association (registered public association) that does workshops for both teachers and students to deal with different problems (and advantages) of digitalization.

5 Digi.checkP is an assessment-tool for teachers with a self-assessment-part and a quiz with a comparison as an output. It is completel anonymous and can be accessed here: https://community.eeducation.at/digicheck/