eEducation Austria
Digital media is changing our world to an extent that last took place during the invention of printing. Up-to-date educational and working processes are not thinkable without using digital technologies - digital competencies are therefore essential to our whole society.

Digital competencies for all!
Our students grow up with digital media and use them unbiased and versatile. The initiative eEducation Austria of the Federal Ministry of Education promotes the gain of competencies needed to use technology consciously and productive for individual development and to ease access to current and future occupational fields.

The eEducation network
schools that see the importance of the topic to get their organisation as well as class work digitally fit are invited to become a member of the eEducation Austria network. Teachers of eEducation expert.schools and team members of the Federal Center eEducation that took up work during fall of 2016 help with advanced training, individual school development plans and useful materials to guide this process.

Working with digital media
Center of all activities of the eEducation initiative is the meaningful use of digital media in all subjects as well as an increase of digital and informatical competences of students. Scenarios are focused on the added value of digital media during learning processes. Students should be prepared to use digital technology on their workplace in a competent way.
National Competence Center eEducation Austria
Mag. Andreas Riepl
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Department IT/4 - ICT-Didactics and digital media
AL Mag. Martin Bauer, MSc
Mag. Stephan Waba, MA