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eEducation Austria - digital competencies for all


digital competencies and informational education


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Three pillar concept

For digital school development to be successful several aspects have to be taken into consideration. With eEducation we have a focus on the three pillars: personal digital competencies, class work using digital media and organizational development.


Digital competencies


The base of using technology during classroom work is knowing about your own digital competencies as a teacher. Different competence models are being used for orientation and assessment purposes. Digital competent teachers will be able to use this knowledge during classroom work which also leads to enhanced digital competences of students. We have defined our competence models for the primary school level (digi.komp4), lower secondary school level (digi.komp8) and upper secondary schools (digi.komp12). Additionally the model for digital competencies of teachers is called digi.kompP and is related to the DigCompEdu framework of the EU.

Course development


Working with digital media students opens up learning scenarios. Enhancing classroom learning scenarios with adaptive learning and assisting learning processes adresses this idea. Competency based activities with different complexity levels are provided to students depending on their personal level thus developing individual learning paths.

Organizational development

digitalization concept

To be able to work digitally it is essential to prepare the educational institution for this step. A solid technical infrastructure is as important as setting coordinated measures and developing the pedagogical concepts. eEducation supports the network of teachers and each eEducation team at school locations to develop their digitalization strategy.

Tools & Features

There are numerous tools available in the login area to support digital teaching:


activities and badges

school add their elearning activities and progress from member- to expert- to expert+schools.

self assessment

teachers use anonymized questionnaires to self-assess their digital competences based on digi.kompP and DigCompEdu. This evidence-based data can be used to work on the schools digitalization concept.

questionnaires for target groups

supported by the Kepler University different questionnaires have been created that give aggregated information related to digital school development to the school management. Questionnaires are available for students, teachers, it-departments and school managers.

diggr+ app

eEducation-schools have prepared lessons and material available using the diggr+ app. The app stores digital achievements of students and is based on portfolio work.

eEducation quality matrix

the matrix is a pedagogical development matrix for digitalization processes. It is based for digitalization concepts of schools.

digitalization concept

the digitalization concept is the individual school concept for using digital media during classroom work. It is required to obtain the expert+ status.

digi.concept assistant

using the digi.concept assistant schools can work on their digital school development: actions can be defined and shared. Based upon the PDCA-concept reflection of results are possible focusing on the organizational development process.

statistics dashboard

our state coordinators support schools during their digital school developments. for this a dashboard was created to get an overview and show development possibilites.

activities and badges

a defined list of activites is used by schools to document their digital advances. for each activity category a badge can be earned. earning badges results in a different status of the school - expert or expert+. schools with this status can access budgets for further digital education.

activities and badges



have joined the network



have proven their commitment to digital education



have earned the enhanced certificate


eLearning nuggets

(eTapas) have been created by teachers for teachers



have been documented by schools to gain expert-status